Friday, December 9, 2011

Examination is over

     Alhamdulillah. At last!! Final exam habis sudah... Ceh ayat macam struggle habis padahal 2jam lagi nak exam baru nak study. hahha. Parents aku tahu ni mampos kena bebel -.- but aku macam confident jawab exam coz alhamdulillah dalam 2jam aku study tu masuk dalam kepalahotak and dapat je paper aku terus tulis semua kat page belakang question paper. Function kan? haha. Confident je lebih. So exam dah habis, cuti pun dah start. Plan nak spend new year kat langkawi macam function je. Ajim ajak, so tengoklah macam mana. The thing yang aku malas bila cuti semester ni is kena pack semua barang. Hasss tidak malas dohh! -.- Whatever it is, i'm going back to jb again. Can't wait for tomorrow ;)

Muka acahacah je confident nak exam padahal baru nak study -.-

...and tengahtengah study tetiba je ada blog updates yang annoy me so much. I tried so many times to unfollow her blog but apa bangang ntah tak bolehboleh sampai sekarang. Lastlast aku hide je blog update dia.hehs. By that time bole pulak qis called me and aku terlepas segala kata marah aku pada blogspot-.- kat dia. Lastly she said, its okay...and she reminds a song she used to hear.."Ya Sudahlah" n it makes me smile and hum the song..thanks my dear :)


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